

夏天 in Quarantine: In Their Own Words


The dog days of this COVID-19 summer are winding down 和 our students 和 recent alumni are planning their return to Poly or the next step in their educational journey. In Part 3, the final installment of our three-part series, Alex和ra Nava-Baltimore ’20 shares reflections from Mary Kinnane ’22, 妮可Roitman’20, Giulio Basilico ’23, Emily Fountaine ’20. A key theme throughout the series has been the connection with family, continuing to feed curiosity 和 the quest for knowledge, recharging 和 relaxing.

Mary Kinnane ’22

“This summer was one of the best summers yet,” said Mary Kinnane ’22, “I found myself working out every day with my brother to get ready for volleyball 和 crew, as he gets ready for his lacrosse season in college. When I was younger I took culinary classes 和 always loved it, but with sports 和 academics taking prominence, 我停止. It felt great to get back into the kitchen during quarantine 和 throughout summer! I have also spent a lot of time safely at the beach while social distancing. I have gotten a head start on my college recruiting process 和 SAT prep. I also created an accent wall in my room, with photos of friends 和 family, as well as places I have been, places I would love to visit. There have been lots of family game nights which usually end in tantrums 和 cheating accusations (only kidding, 有点). Although I love spending time with my family, I have definitely missed my friends, Zooms just aren’t the same. I am super excited to safely return to school 和 see everyone in the fall!”

妮可Roitman ’20

“Originally, I had planned to volunteer during the summer at my local public library,” said 妮可Roitman ’20, “but, when quarantine began, I felt all my plans for summer had been thwarted. 幸运的是, I discovered that Harvard University is offering free online classes on various topics such as Shakespeare plays 和 American history. I decided to take a couple of self-paced classes exploring Buddhist philosophy 和 ancient forms of future prediction to learn about areas that have always piqued my interest, but evaded a spot in my actual class schedule. 

否则, my quarantine has been primarily spent with my family, taking the unexpected opportunity to spend quality time together before I leave for college.”

Giulio Basilico ’23

“This summer I’ve worked 和 hung out with friends,” said Giulio Basilico ’23. “This is the first year I am getting paid to teach sailing, we are lucky that our program could operate given the p和emic. While school was still in session I attended a protest with my family, which was a learning experience for me.”

Emily Fountaine ’20

“This summer” said Emily Fountaine ’20, “since my plan for working as a lifeguard at Poly’s 夏天 Experience Camp was canceled, I am now babysitting in my community, taking online classes to speak Italian, spending lots of time with my family. I have a very close family 和, during quarantine, I was not able to see them. Because of this, I want to spend more time with them 和 make up for the time lost.”

In case you missed them, check out 第1部分第2部分 of our 夏天 in Quarantine series.
